The Year in Review

Published on by painfullybadgamer

It may have escaped your notice, but Christmas is fast approaching and I'm taking a break from PBG. To end my first few months of reviewing - I've decided to have a look back on 2011 and at some of the important and hilarious gaming things that occured. I'll also have a look back at my playing and decide which game I played was my favourite


2011 began slowly in Gaming terms - with a  lack of releases in games after the frantic releases in 2010 christmas.We had the great next Total War game - Shogun 2, some pretty gruesome games including the hugely gory Bulletstorm and the next Killzone - Killzone 3.

Spring began with the release of Homefront - I avoided it, and from me looking at reviews of it is a bit of a let down from the great reveal trailer - but it did give me one of my favourite youtube adverts ever, not for the actual advert but the incredibly British man saying "Homefront" at the end - which unfortunately is unfindable on the internet


Crysis 2 was released also - and it was a huge let down for some. Myself, I liked how it was far easier than the previous game - and the multiplayer was actually okay, if slightly annoying when there were too many pros compared to the noob i was


But for me, the main game of the year must be Portal 2. I enjoyed it for its amazing graphics and pure humour; and the brain-twisting puzzles, with the new additions the game really shone through, but sadly I can't play it as all the puzzles are obvious now, a bit of a ruiner for the game


In summer, I had a lack of buying games apart from in the dirt cheap Steam summer sale, although over the year I've bought 20 games on steam. I mainly played ACII (which you can see my review here: - and for those who've been reading since the start was my first review on this blog. 

Yet to play games that came out in September include - Deus Ex Human Revolution, Rage, Skyrim, B:AC, which most of them I aim to play in 2012

In my view, the Game of the Year from my perspective is obvious, the uniqueness of Portal 2 and the sheer fun I got out of it beat everything else, but I'll be intrested when I've played Skyrim, as from many it is the chosen GOTY

For the last few months you can check up on my playing by looking at my reviews - if I finished a game I put up a review of it. We've also been doing the Gaming News regularly, although it is a sap on our time - if you want us to keep it then comment on this page


For the last few weeks of 2011 and more, I'll be continuing my playing of TF2 (there's been a major update this week) 
For Christmas, The main thing is Batman Arkham City, the sequel to one of my favourite games ever. Expect a review of that to come up in January or later. Into 2012, I'll finally get Skyrim and go hunting dragons, I'll get Mass Effect 3, and fly around the Galaxy basically defeating evil. Also some new Nintendo games will come up - especially Skyward Sword, which review will come out in January heres hoping. 

Since September I've set up a facebook page:
Like the page and I update it everytime a new review comes out, so thats a great way to check my reviews, and you can also just keep checking the page. If you've enjoyed the reviews I've done then post a comment - and I leave you with a few of my favourite gaming videos of 2011.


Force-a-Nem, a parody of Eminem + Rihanna's "Love the Way you Lie" - using only call outs in TF2

Beyond Black Mesa - an action video of the time before Half Life 2


Fifa Physics Fail - A compilation of the funniest fails of Fifa's impact engine

Skyrim Bucket stealing - sneakily putting a bucket on NPC's heads without them realising

There are more and more videos on the internet, If you like this then check out my Blog weekly in the new year when gaming videos will (hopefully) pop up.

So thats it readers - I hope you've liked PainfullyBadGamer - make sure you like the page on Facebook, Check my Blog and comment on this page. Make sure you have a quick look at my reviews of the past 3 months, and I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy new Year 

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