Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Published on by painfullybadgamer

The new Mission Impossible again makes no changes to the formula; there are the same death defying jumps, insane chases and yes, it has Tom Cruise running. The start of the film is promising, but the plot slowly spirals terribly out of control into the realms of shoddiness. The plot is basically that someone bombs the Kremlin, and blame is put on Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) - he then goes rogue to figure out what has happened. For all I say about the bad plot, the stunts in this film are pretty epic, and even the non-stunts are cool. A guy throws down a pellet which turns into a cushion for him to land on from a roof, someone jumps to hover above a rotating fan and Cruise goes up a building on the outside. But Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol doesn't need to have a great plot, the fact it's an MI film proves it has  no plot but fantastic stunts. It's a great way to waste two hours, and incredibly enjoyable for what it's worth. Don't begin to wonder about the plot or think about it in real life, it'll make your brain explode with its stupidity.


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